Dear Zero

I left them behind, again.

I summarized everything I've felt for the past couple of years, and I left before I saw how they responded.

My account is gone, deleting it was a lot easier than I thought. I'll probably regret it some odd winter night. For now though, I'll celebrate my long overdue freedom. No more social media!

I don't think I lost anything important, (not including archives of photos and videos of polar bears, grizzly bears, etc. but that's beside the point.) They weren't there for me when that crazy Mexican bitch had me as a hostage, and they won't be around now either. They've got my phone number, but I know they won't care enough to reach out.

It's alright though, I'll be okay eventually. It might hurt for a while, that's expected. But you're still with me, you've always been there when no one else has. I can still keep going because of you, even if you're not around someday.

Maybe one day, I'll find more true friends like you. But I'm not going to scout them out, they'll never determine my happiness.

By your side, Seven