Dear Zero

I think the storm has settled down a bit

No more stalkers as far as I'm concerned, and I made amends with my boss. I can be my best self at work again.

I did some self reflection and recalibrated my goals, they're 10-4 for the most part. Working on system improvements next so it syncs more with my objectives.

Got a new email address and I'm discovering staple Google services I haven't tried before, and I genuinely love them.

All the noise about privacy from Big Brother, security in multiple emails, and other bullshit was making life more complicated than it had to be.

I would've still had Yandex mail if I never fell down those rabbit holes. One Gmail is all I need honestly.

Also getting back on schedule with regular boxing drills, I'm slacking off with studying though, sorry.

Still lacking in my social life too, but don't care as much. Probably because I'm busy these days and don't focus on it. Especially after cutting ties with that energy vampire in May.

I feel fine though, I can appreciate the smaller moments that don't fit into a broader life category.

Love for my library card, searching for books I read in Canada. Having an onion ring burger and apple pie shake for lunch. Changing all my contacts photos to manga panels that represent them.

Autumn is almost here, can you feel it too?

Yours, Seven