Dear Zero

New pants, new shoes, new life

I've noticed it's harder to write when I'm in a good mood, but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy writing you letters any less. Did I say that right? English is still so damn difficult after all these years.

Things are just improving for me and I decided to celebrate a little by spending even more money.

Is it reckless? Yea probably, but I have enough savings and it's stupid to delay what I needed for my job anyways just because of a stupid ticket.

...And some extras don't hurt, I wanted that green jacket for a long time. I was eyeing the outfit that mannequin had on for a while!

Honestly I'm surprised that I found decent shoes at the mall at all, I have high expectations for the boots seeing as they didn't chafe against my ankles this time. I've noticed boots with thicker padding near the top are notorious for this. These new ones fit my criteria so far though, thin top padding, flexible soles, lightweight, and hard cover to kick ass with.

I have a lot to get done tomorrow so I think I'll turn in early tonight.

Love, Seven